Meet Some of Atelier Esthetique’s Esthetician Alumni!

Some of the Atelier Esthetique Alumni

We recently had a photo shoot to showcase what it’s like to be an esthetician student at Atelier Esthetique Institute. We brought in a handful of our recent Atelier Esthetique alumni to demonstrate their skills for the cameras. In between shooting, we sat down with some of our alums to ask questions about what Atelier Esthetique Institute means to them.  

Thanks again to Yudelka Agramonte, Ilanit Cohen, Kaitlyn Dingman, Grace Miou, Diandra Murray, and Kalika Rodney for participating in the photoshoot! We’re excited to show off the photos soon! 

What Inspired You to Go to Atelier Esthetique? 

Yudelka Agramonte, Class of Aug 23: “I worked in dentistry for 21 years, so I wanted to do something different. I loved esthetics and decided that now was the time to do it. I was looking for something based on my work hours, and… I decided this was the school for me. Plus, some of my credits from my dentistry education transferred over, so I finished faster.”  

Grace Miou, Class of Dec 23: “I started working as a professional social media marketing manager for a pro skincare brand. I learned so much by watching and knew I could learn more by doing. One of my friends graduated from here, and she recommended this school. I did this part-time while working full-time. It helped me move up in my own company as well.” 

two students looking at a photo on a tablet

What Were Some of the Challenges You Faced While Going to School? 

Ilanit Cohen, Class of Aug 23: “It was tough to socialize. During COVID, I became comfortable in my “cave,” getting back into the social scene after COVID was a shock. But I made friends at Atelier, and they helped me open up.” 

Yudelka Agramonte, Class of Aug 23: “I worked 8 to 4, and school was 6 to 9:45. The school was actually very relaxing. The school and the classes were calming after a busy day at work.” 

Kalika Rodney, Class of Jan 24: “It’s very strict, which is the worst part. You have to make sure you have your uniform, shoes, and nails. They do not play about this. The best part is that, for the most part, everybody wants to see you win.” 

What Classes Were the Most Interesting to You? 

Grace Miou, Class of Dec 23: “The most interesting things I learned were the more science-based topics. Physiology, diseases, stuff like that. You only learn surface level in high school, and you don’t learn the deeper layers of the skin like you do at Atelier.” 

Kalika Rodney, Class of Jan 24: “I ended up liking waxing a lot. I guess because I learned so much, like how soft wax takes out more hair than hard wax and that kind of stuff. I learned that you can’t use soft wax more than once on any area of the body. Places still do that, and I’m shocked.” 

atelier alums posing for photo shoot

How Did Atelier Esthetique Institute Help You Succeed? 

Yudelka Agramonte, Class of Aug 23: “Mr. Christmas helped me a lot. At one point I needed to finish faster, so he helped me balance out my schedule.” 

Kalika Rodney, Class of Jan 24: “They prepare you for the state board so that you know everything. There’s no reason you should fail if you attend Atelier Esthetique.”

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