privacy policy

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We are 100% committed to your personal privacy, including any information you provide us directly or indirectly when visiting and using this website. Any information we get from you will never be exchanged, sold, distributed, or otherwise used other than in the course of responding to and fulfilling your requests. Any data you provide us is stored securely using the best available practices.

Cookie Policy

“Cookies” are small snippets of code exchanged with people who use our website, via their browser, and commonly used in the course of website management and Internet marketing. We may use Google Analytics and other third-party tools that use cookies. You do not have to accept cookies, but be aware that if you turn them off in your website browser our website may not properly deliver the information you are looking for, and our website might otherwise not work properly for you.

Terms of Use

By using this website you understand and agree to our privacy policy, cookie policy, and other similar website usage policies. If you do not agree to our terms of use you can choose not to use our website. Our terms of use, cookie policy, and privacy policy may be amended from time to time and you will always find the most up-to-date information on this page.

EU GDPR Compliance

If you make an inquiry from the EU different personal data protection rules and data usage rules apply. Although we are US based, we are committed to using all generally considered best practices to comply with the EU-GDRP. You can learn more about the GDRP here.

If You Have Questions

We’ve tried to make our terms of use, data use, and any regulatory compliance issues as transparent as possible. If you have any questions about how we use the data we gather in the course of providing information about our services and products via this website, and delivering those services and products to our customers, please contact:

Atelier Esthétique Institute of Esthetics
(212) 725-6130

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