Is Chemical Exfoliation Good for Your Skin?

Woman washing her face before a chemical exfoliation session

Rubbing acids into your skin might not sound like your idea of a good time, but did you know it is one of the best ways to clear dead skin cells? Welcome to the world of Chemical Exfoliation. We wanted to break down what makes it so good for your skin and how to use treatments like this to improve your skin. 

What Is Chemical Exfoliation? 

Exfoliation is the process of using a product or treatment to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your face and body. There are two main types. One is physical exfoliation, which involves using abrasive materials to manually scrub away the cells. This includes everything from using a washcloth to specific scrubs and brushes that pull at the skin. 

Chemical exfoliation, meanwhile, involves putting a safe, topical acid on the surface of your skin to dissolve dead cells. Depending on your skin type and the treatment you want, several different products might be suitable. Chemical exfoliants range from over-the-counter treatments to in-office chemical peels provided by licensed professionals. 

Does It Hurt? 


If done correctly, chemical exfoliation shouldn’t hurt. It will likely make your face feel cleaner and better than before. However, many chemical exfoliants treat various skin conditions or symptoms. If you’re considering using an over-the-counter exfoliant, consult an esthetician and ensure the treatment is proper for your needs.  

Is It Good for Your Skin? 


Our face naturally sheds dead skin cells frequently, but that doesn’t mean they immediately get removed from the surface. Exfoliation is a great way to remove debris from your skin and clear off anything else clogging your pores. Chemical exfoliation is a great way to get a bit deeper than just the surface level. Hydroxy acids, such as salicylic and glycolic acids, can penetrate the skin for deeper exfoliation. 

Are They Safe? 


Since chemical exfoliants do not involve rubbing the skin, they are generally safer than many physical exfoliants. They are generally milder than physical exfoliants, which means they can be used by those with sensitive skin or darker skin tones that may be more prone to scarring. Because chemical exfoliants don’t manually remove the skin, there’s less risk of overdoing it and ending up with irritated skin. 

When Should I Use Chemical Exfoliants? 

Most exfoliants only need to be used two or three times a week, but deeper chemical peels might differ. Contact a dermatologist or your esthetician to learn more about the right treatment for you! 

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