Choosing an accredited college is important to your education. Accreditation signifies that the school has met standards of quality and involves an on-going process of review of the school’s programs and offerings.
Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics is nationally accredited by NACCAS: National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences.
NACCAS Accredited Beauty School
Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics. is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS).
Atelier has been granted accreditation by meeting all of the Standards & Criteria set forth by NACCAS. For more information, please visit the organization’s website.
Licensed Private School
Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics. is licensed by the New York State Education Department’s Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS).
Being licensed by the NYSED means that Atelier Esthetique upholds quality in the programs it offers and provides students with the necessary skills to secure meaningful employment.
Member of American Association of Cosmetology Schools
Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics is a member of AACS (American Association of Cosmetology Schools). As a member school, we are part of a network of schools across the country that strive to make a difference in the Beauty and Education Industries.
Member of Coalition of New York State Career Schools
As a member-school, we have joined with other New York State Schools by committing to higher education standards within our industry. Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics is a Coalition of New York State Career Schools member. The Coalition is an association of trade and business schools licensed by the New York State Education Department’s Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision. As licensed schools, they have all met state mandated criteria for curriculum, facilities, teacher licensure and financial accountability.
Member of Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) Skin Care School’s Council
Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics is an Associated Skin Care Professionals member. ASCP is the nation’s largest professional membership association for skin care professionals.
Member of National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers / Distributors and Associations
Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics is a member of the National Coalition of Estheticians, Manufacturers/Distributors and Associations.
The mission of the NCEA is to define standards of practice through certification and continuing education accreditation in order to represent and advocate for the esthetic profession.