Real World Skills You Won’t Learn in Your Esthetics Textbook

If you flip through an esthetics textbook, you’ll see lessons about skin, physical health, anatomy, patient care, and much more. However, learning from a book is only part of the education you need to become an esthetician. Working hands-on is one thing, but attending a school like Atelier Esthetique Institute allows you to learn real-world skills you won’t find in a textbook. Here are four esthetics etiquette tips you’ll discover by going to Atelier. 

1. Punctuality Makes a Difference 

Imagine you had a doctor’s appointment, but when you get to the office, you’re told that your doctor is running late, and the other nurses are now double-booked. You’d be annoyed and frustrated. It would also impact other people who work with the doctor.  

Most jobs require punctuality. Tardiness doesn’t just affect you; it also impacts everyone you work with. Clients get upset, and you risk losing them; colleagues get overworked and face the consequences. Just like you need to be in your seat when class begins at Atelier Esthetique, you must be ready to work as soon as your shift starts.  

2. Show Up Ready to Work 

Just as punctuality is essential, so is preparation. If you arrive at your spa dressed in sweatpants or go to a client without your waxing kit set up correctly, don’t be surprised if you have trouble keeping a job. You’re responsible for yourself and your work. If you have a uniform you need to wear, make sure it is laid out and neat. If a client comes in at 12:30 for a waxing appointment, don’t wait to heat the wax until 12:29.  

These things might seem simple, but people pay attention to behavior like this. Get into the habit of being prepared, and clients will appreciate your skill and diligence. If you keep making mistakes and showing up unprepared, you might not book as many clients. 

3. If You Respect Patients and Colleagues, They’ll Respect You 

“Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated.” There’s a reason this “golden rule” is taught in kindergarten to everyone.  

Respect is a two-way street. If you show kindness and generosity to others, they’ll show it to you in return. Workplaces worldwide sometimes harbor negative behaviors, such as laziness, gossip, avoiding responsibility, and other unproductive traits. However, the best employees are the ones who treat their workplace with respect and dedication. Offer to help out when it isn’t requested of you, and go the extra mile to make someone’s day. It will pay off in the end. 

4. Be Proud of The Work You Do 

Take pride in your skills as an esthetician in the classroom and the real world. You’ve spent hundreds of hours learning these skills. You work hard to get high grades in every class. Why would you waste that effort on your actual clients? Be confident in your skills as an esthetician and bring integrity and passion to every client and service you offer. You’ve worked hard to get to this place in your life.

Show everyone what you’re capable of and what makes an Atelier Esthetique graduate so special.  

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