How to Wax Clients with Different Skin Types

When it comes to waxing for hair removal, there are various treatments to consider. Waxing professionals must know exactly how to identify different skin types and build treatments based on their needs. We will explore the different skin types and which wax is appropriate for each.
The Four Skin Types
There are four different skin types to note, each with their own needs and issues:
- Oily Skin: People with oily skin generally have a shinier complexion and can suffer from breakouts. Often, oily skin results in more natural moisture and younger-looking skin.
- Dry Skin: Dry skin is characterized by dull, flaky, and rough texture. Dry skin also can result in itchiness and irritation.
- Combination Skin: Combination skin is the most common. It is dry in some regions and oily in others. Combination skin can have different concerns at various points of the year.
- Balanced Skin: Balanced skin typically feels neither oily nor dry, meaning it isn’t prone to breakouts or itchiness. In other words, these are lucky people.
Waxing for Different Skin Types
For waxing, different methods are used for dry and oily skin to provide relief to concerned areas. If you have combination skin, a licensed waxing professional will know where and how to treat different sections properly.
Dry skin should be waxed similarly to sensitive skin. First, a layer of pre-waxing oil is applied to hydrate the area prior to treatment. Estheticians prioritize hard over soft wax in drier areas since hard wax is gentler and applies to smaller body sections.
For more oily skin, apply a powder before waxing to ensure the wax adheres better. Ensure proper aftercare to prevent breakouts in waxed areas.
Learn More
Are you interested in learning more about different skin types and treating them properly? Enroll in our 75-hour waxing program today. It will teach you everything you need to know about treating all skin types while giving you hands-on experience and practice.